Brianne Bignell    | Raywhite | Properties Brianne Bignell

Residential Property

phone021 400979
Mobile Number 021 400979


At a very early stage in meeting with Brianne Bignell, Geoff Bignell, realtor, trainer, tutor and real estate assessor picked Brianne as being a winner. She is a natural born salesperson.
Brianne trained as a Travel Agent before entering the real estate industry. She was a top Travel Agency student and was chosen to speak as the student representative on behalf of her fellow classmates at age 17. Her talent was recognised then, as it has been subsequently, as a true peoples person.
Brianne is well liked and respected by young and old. Brianne has worked with animals, pre-school children and disabled children whom she has a natural affinity with.
Geoff, her mentor is continually impressed by Briannes ability to absorb new information and relay that information to her clients.
Briannes openness, confidence and ability to form lasting relationships is a recipe for success in a very challenging industry.
Geoff describes Brianne as being a breath of fresh air for Lighthouse as he delights in her successes.
Watch this space, there is more of Brianne to come!
